Tuesday, 24 December 2013

24 weeks fruity!

so this week Bella is
a big MELON!!!!!

How your baby's growing

Your baby's growing steadily. Her body is filling out and taking up more room in the uterus (womb) but her skin is still thin and fragile. 

For all you know, your baby may also be developing a weakness for sweets! Her tastebuds are forming, and, believe it or not, acquiring a sweet tooth is all part of it. The other big milestone your baby reaches is that she may now survive, with specialist care, if she is born prematurely.

    *MAGIC WORDS* "VIABLE 24 wks"

    WOW, Bella today you are 24 weeks, technically with help you could survive if born today...CRAZY...Pleaaaase DONT come today or until March at the VERY earliest please!!
    We have come so far bubba...I am so excited to see you in APRIL (ideally!!) I can already make out your little snoz and little pouty lips and chubby cheeks, Im MADLY in LOVE with you already...Ill see you again at 30 wks for your growth scan....Im going to get super ready in the New year, actually doing pretty well on the organisation considering.. Im also going on a health kick (partly consultant enforced due to tummy issues) but to get super yummy mummy mode.. SOOO many jobs to do for you and regarding you and Daddy and Mummy and the dogs...exciting!

    My sister and kids are here, your cousin A is a ball of energy!!! P is learning knitting from Granny. Poor daddy is working upstairs.....Auntie S is yacking away (he he)  Grandpa is trying to do sudoku in peace. Granny and Grandpa to be have been amazing as always with the kids. Makes me really smile to think of them with you...

    Getting excited about father Christmas coming tonight...wonder what he will bring, cant wait to see A's little face...

    Friday, 20 December 2013

    lost great granny to be Betty tonight....

    I just typed a WHOLE shebang and deleted it, stupid 2.30 am brain...

    so....Betty was very very lovely. When she was at school she got expelled or suspended for throwing stink bombs, she was full of mischief. That makes her UBER cool in my eyes...She also used to sneak out in makeup! I first met her shortly before she lost her husband Keith who was one of the kindest looking Men I've met, they were so welcoming and Keith picked up on the fact I was terrified of playing cards as a) am USELESS at cards and b) very dyslexic, so we played together...this was so nice of him and made me feel really at ease. I only got to meet Keith the once but I will never forget that meeting. It gives me great comfort to imagine Betty and Keith together now again (at least I HOPE thats what happens hubby and I were just wondering this in bed having a cuddle right now) In fact Betty's dog Tarky died about 2 weeks ago so he will be pretty pleased to see her too, I like to think of him not blind and deaf and one eyed but a sprightly (maybe still fat lol) dog with a sprightly Betty and Keith saying "come on chaps throw me a ball, lets go for a walk on the beach...how EXCITING to all be together again" I like that Betty got to know and also understand eventually our surrogacy and she was very excited about it, in the months recently she cheered ALOT when I rung her and Bella was mentioned, She liked that alot B was due about her birthday. B was to have been her 18th great grandchild!!!! I also like to think B has a right "team of angels" now looking out for her including my daddy....
    there NEVER is a good time to lose someone but it is sad it is christmas for hubby's mum sake but I'm hoping B will act as a balm this xmas as she is viable and the hospital confirmed tonight they will try to save her life if she comes from xmas eve. And also the new year brings new life and whilst we will all remember Betty of course Bella is due smack about Betty's birthday.... She was 96, kept all her marbles, and 2 of her daughters were with her...so very peaceful. Hubby's mums twin did a family tree recently and its amazing how many people came from B and K!!!

     Betty and Keith with Digby and Baby hubby

    Betty, M's mummy and baby M

    Betty and Paul M's Brother and M.....LOVE this pic

    Thursday, 19 December 2013

    23.3 heart scan...all is well

    heres the B blowing bubble or with hiccups?! More to come....

    love my scrumptious one xoxox

    Tuesday, 17 December 2013

    23 wks! Large grapefruit this week.

    Your little doll-sized babe is about to chub up a bit. Her saggy skin will start to fit her frame as fat deposits fill things out. Beginning this week, she'll start to pack on the pounds (which means you will too!) and by month's end she'll be double the weight she is now . Right now, your baby's organs and bones are visible through her skin, which has a red hue due to developing veins and arteries beneath. But once those fat deposits settle in, she'll become less transparent. sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb. Shame she cant hear Tyler!!!!

    Busy busy this week before xmas.

    Thursday, 12 December 2013

    Xmas 2013

    This is our Xmas tree for 2013, Went with Granny J to get the tree, had a fun afternoon decorating the tree and house.  NOW feeling very festive with wintery smelling candles burning...2 stockings on the fire, next year hopefully there will be 3 :)

    now the REAL litmus test! Its ok I KNOW the answer!!!

    baby ME:

    baby CJ :

    Wednesday, 11 December 2013

    looky likey....

    WHO does she look like? My sisters daughter top, brothers daughter middle or hubby's cousin bottom (hubby mum identical twin)

    22 weeks and an amazeballs trip

    ok lets get the fruit bit out the way first, this week Bella is a papaya

    At 11 inches and almost 1 pound ( about the size of a large papyaya), your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. 

    If you could see inside the womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily, She is also starting a sleep cycle and sleeping about 12-14 hrs a day.

    this was B at 21.5 wks .

    So onto the trip!!!

    I bought lots of gifts for R and her family and also some Cadburys chocs and Mcvities chocolate digestives, unfortunately I got so hungry on the 8.5hr flight I ate both packets of biscuits...oops!
    Arrived in FREEEEEEEZING chicago to my lovely hubby and we headed to our hotel where they had our room all lovely and cosy and also a cute babygrow and bib with the hotels logo on!!! Also I had a gift from one of M's work buddies in NYC a juicy couture tracksuit for B!!! Toooooo cute!!! though M now thinks he will have two "chavs" now ha ha....Saturday I woke up very overexcited at 3am and at 12 after a monster breakfast of full English and pancakes we met R and family and went for the scan, it was stunning, we got lots and lots piccies and a DVD of the whole thing and a bear with her heartbeat in!!!  It was very emotional and I had a tear when the heartbeat came up! She was a right little acrobat, hands and feet everywhere....She likes her hands on her face so the sonographer got R to lie on her left side which did the trick and she showed us her face! Then we registered at the hospital and had a quick lunch and look at baby stores with R, Said bye to bump and had a 2 hour drive back to the city....urgh....think there was a game on.....was SO tired we asked the hotel if they could make us carbonara and they did and sent it up to us with "death by chocolate" cake...soooo good! Sunday it snowed YIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE, we went to the beach for a walk, not seen a mix of snow and sand before! Then  have to say we snuggled down in our bed and watched two movies as it was real feel -15 outside and we were both pooped! Then we went for steak had a funny blizzard like walk back (quick pit stop for a very romantic snow kiss) and slept....Monday we met with the hotel and got our deal on our stay from April-June. Thank GOD for M's work policy with this hotel(biggest client) and also my negotiating skills, lets just say it would have cost a FORTUNE a night and instead about the price a night of a travelodge in london!!! We saw the room we will have (1 bed apartment) and it had a little kitchen which will be essential, they also had dressed it (clever lady) with a cot etc so it looked how it would. Granny J  is flying out for 2 wks and she will be in a room on the same floor. It had a lovely city view also for those nights when I will be up! Then onto the Paediatricians office which was 2 mins walk away and also When I asked if there was an emergency and she had to go to hospital- he said we could see it from our window. Result. Then a quick skip to the mall to get some last pressies...so all in all a very productive flying trip. Am now beyond jet lagged, adding 6 hrs, JUST getting used to that and then dropping them in 3 days has taken its toll! I have wayyyyy more pics but I need to edit R's details out.
    Its lovely to be home mind you and tomorrow we will do our tree if I have the energy!

    Tuesday, 3 December 2013

    21 one weeks and the week we see bumpage!

    21 wks today, she will be 2 wks old in 20 wks time!!! Yesterday Granny and I hit up a storm at the white company and baby gap in Portsmouth, so many discounts it was fantabulous. 4 sleeps until we see her YIPEEEEEEEEEE WHOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

    We also decided to not to go down the traditional christening route, I think we will ask the vicar if he may bless Bella only say at the end of a sunday service, not make a big deal about it...THEN make a very big deal on a beach with our nearest and dearest in the summer and have a humanist blessing. Nothing long and winded,VERY hippy dippy love and peace and all that :) Bare feet in the sand and flowers in our hair. Some nice readings and a few words, and I thought people could bring a stem of their fave flower and throw it in the sea and make a wish for Bella. Also it makes me feel quite happy and emotional that my daddy can be involved (he is in the sea..well his ashes are) Take some bubbly and some picnic stuff down to the beach, If the weather is heinous so what we shiver in coats for 20 mins under brollies, the sea is ALWAYS beautiful and powerful even on a shitty day. Then we would go back to "the Granny's" house and eat there, a bit windswept but happy :) Its the PERFECT solution.

    anyways today is pomegranate day:

    your baby at 21 weeks
    • As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance you'll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
    • If it's a girl, she's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them!

    Wednesday, 27 November 2013

    20 wks

    +1..... last week was a day early I was so over excited that I posted too early, this week I have been rather ill so Im a day late, but Im jinxing it if I miss a week.... so 20 wks!
    MORE than half way as baby is coming in 19 wks, in fact in 20 wks she will be a week old!

    She is the size of a Banana now, a big banana, Spoke to R tonight and there is most definitely a big bumpage starting! Baby Bella better behave for our scan as she is a shy bean and keeps on hiding in scans, she likes snoozing away like mummy! She doesn't like being poked and prods back when the doppler is on her! I bought R's little boy a dr kit and outfit so he can help mummy out by being a dr! As she has so many visits.. We are off to chicago in 9 sleeps to see her! Ive been so ill this week, I so hope Im well for then! I just want to be a mummy and enjoy my gorgeous new family <3 Surely not to much to ask? It looks cold there -11 at night brrrrrrrr scarf and gloves and BIG coat!

    got a couple extra scan pics, got a potty shot as they are called just to CHECK Bella WAS a girl!!!!

    arrow saying "Its a girl" lol at her er lady bits!!!

    praying in the womb!

    Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — about the size of a banana.

     (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of her head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
    She's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for her digestive system. She's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in her first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery). niccccccccccceeee, Daddy gets first nappy  ha ha...well maybe, see bet post!

    Friday, 22 November 2013


    Our beautiful baby girl at 19.5 wks....We are in LOVE already....

    The Previa has moved, and all looked bang on schedule...fingers crossed <3

    level 2 scan in 1.5 hrs!!!

    I am sooo nervous!!!! I am REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLY hoping the Previa has moved up and away for good. The hospital want to talk to us about the birth plan and also we have to find Bella her own baby doc. A lot is riding on todays scan as If R is high risk she will maybe move dr and hospital even...I am really hoping its all well and nice and simple. I will get to find out about scan about 7pm, long days wait for us :( I suppose no news will be good news. I would love to see a good CLEAR scan pic for once too :) I have been having heaps of anxiety dreams about baby related issues too.

    Monday, 18 November 2013

    19 wks (past half way point- due at 39 wks latest)

    We are 19 wks!!

    Bella has been having a rave at night (fabulous!) from all accounts...Level 2 scan on friday at 10am Chicago time.in just over 2 wks we will be off to Chicago ourselves, yipeeee

    Tried out the pram yesterday which was pretty fun, the dogs walked nicely next to it which was surprising! I have been having my first anxiety nightmares about Bella, Namely that I forget to feed her, this had me worried until I read its the number 1 most common expectant mother anxiety dream....phew, so NORMAL then..normal is GOOD.

    MANGO BABY- MY FAVE fruit!!!
    • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
    • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.
    • work on finding a Paediatrician now. shhhhhhhheeeeeeesh now??!!!

    Thursday, 14 November 2013

    Bella's Bear Granny made!!!

    Look what Granny made!!!!! CLEVER CLEVER Granny!!!!!!!

    BYE BYE Hercule Poirot

    Last night we said goodbye to my favourite detective of all time Monsieur Hercule Poirot,  It was very moving and I have watched Poirot since I was little. I loved his mannerisms, Miss "limon", Hastings the whole shebang.....


    Wednesday, 13 November 2013

    Disaster in the Phillipines

    So they now are saying over 10,000 people dead....HORRENDOUS..

    On one of my pregnancy friends groups we have a lady from the Philippines on there, She hasn't been online since, of course going on the internet is the LEAST of her priorities but we have all been thinking of her, 20 wks pregnant, called Charmaine aged 21 and thats all we know, and pictures of her and her husband looking so in love....Im hoping that she just has no internet connection and is busy sorting things out, but one cant help but fear the worst when you watch the news....We are very lucky to live in the UK, I cant imagine the pain of losing my whole family, my home and my livelihood, with no HOPE at all....so so sad.

    The beautiful Philippines where we also see season after season of SURVIVOR (mummy and daddy's fave programme)

    and now :(

    Tuesday, 12 November 2013

    whats in a name? Name Revealed!!!

    we ummed and ahhhed for a very short time over names, We knew both the first and the middle name would feature just not in which order. I was ALWAYS going to call my daughter this name.

    Bella.......my beautiful beautiful (literally in Italian!) Bella!!! But should we call her Isabella or just Bella?....Well we have an Isobel already in the family and she is Izzi, AND as I want her to be called Bella not Izzi or anything else we said why not jump straight in and go with Bella. We did toy with Hope as a FIRST name for a bit because of all she means to us and signifies but we came to the conclusion Bella Hope fitted better than Hope Bella. And "Beautiful Hope" couldn't be more accurate of what she means to us. Why have I told you now? why not wait, because that IS her name and If GOD FORBID something happened now at such a late stage I would still call her that name, she is formed, she looks like a person and we would hold a funeral. She is REAL and that is her name not baby CJ and more but Bella. Our very own beautiful hope.

    18 wks

    baby CJ (or B) is now 18 wks, we are almost half way now!!!
    B is size of a sweet potato

    yes I know you are thinking this looks more like a mouldy and hairy chicken fillet than a sweet potato! Well I am..Mind you I don't eat sweet potato, so maybe they do look like this....

    Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long, and she weighs almost 7 ounces . She's busy flexing her arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin, and her ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit. Think Prince Charles....A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around her nerves, a process that will continue for a year after she's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound. Weird to think Baby CJ's oven is in place already! Hope hers works!!!

    Sunday, 10 November 2013

    The Bear and the Hare


    This has to maybe be the best advert EVER.... It made both Mr CJ and I cry!!! We have decided to tell this as a bedtime xmas story to B. I made a practice run by telling Mr CJ the story last night...Gosh it is SO lovely...click on the link above.

    And then the bears face, thats what got me, his look of pure happiness and wonder!

    AND now I have just seen J Lewis have made a book of the story!!! Yippppeeeeeeeeeee

    Saturday, 9 November 2013

    Havent posted in a while

    ..been a bit M.I.A. Uber busy and a bit stressy.. On a positive note the rocking chair and chest of drawers  for B's room are coming on saturday, think we need granny to make a little seat pad for it though (note to granny who will read this) as it clearly used to have one in there as is a little gap for it. unfortunately Carly couldn't organise that. Also on ebay and done up as above by "super Carly" coming on saturday is a highchair and a bench storage seat for our kitchen, we are waiting on a table too and more seating, our table is falling apart! this will save space and add storage AND be nice and from ebay! WIN WIN! Just hope it all LOOKS smart!!!

    Need to order our cot soon....Exciting times, just over 3 wks to CHICAGO....whoop...

    Ps Not sure we told you that the Nuchal screen all came back fine and so did the test for Neural tube defects :) just hoping all is well for the level 2 scan on 19 November and also that the horrid Previa has GONE!!!

    Monday, 4 November 2013

    17 weeks

    17 weeks tomorrow, the weeks are starting to tick by a bit now :)

    Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.She now has her own fingerprints!!! SCHWEEEEEET!!!

    Baby CJ is now the size of a large onion, voila un petit oignon

    Wednesday, 30 October 2013

    Grandpas Birthday

    I've talked about him before and I will continue to talk about him, It was his birthday today and Im hoping he is rocking out in heaven. without him there is NO WAY we could have done this whole surrogacy, Its such a shame that we couldn't tell him all about it as he always wanted a girl in the family but I know he will be watching out for sure. So today Im going to share a few GRANDPA memories...

    I never had a grandpa as both my mum and dad's fathers died before I was born. So I called him grandpa and he didn't seem to mind, when I met him I remember him saying I was very beautiful (bless!) and he gave me a big kiss, He like being kissed and hugged (a typical CJ!) He cooked a mean roast gammon too if I recall. He also let M and I have a go on his buggy which he found hilarious as we zoomed about. For our wedding he gave me his wife's pearls which was very moving, he was saving them for the first girl in the family but he wanted me to have them, I wore them on his funeral day. Baby CJ can wear them and she WILL be the first female CJ by birth for a while! Also I should mention If I haven't already earlier in this blog that my engagement ring diamond was one of 3 from Grandpa's wife's ring, M's mummy has one set in sapphires, and 1 each were for the boys wives to be, SO I got one and H got one.
    Grandpa lived to the ripe old age of 96, which by any means is a good old age. He had a great life, lots of amazing adventures and today I got a couple of his military medals which I will box frame with a picture of him.

    This is the CJ menfolk on my wedding day (yes my hubby and his brother had daft hair!)

    Tuesday, 29 October 2013

    16 weeks

    So 16 weeks today :)

    We have hopefully chosen our pram whoop....I candy...after ALOT of thought and trying out about 5 at the baby show,  I candy came out the best for me with my bad back etc...lightest and easiest.  We were outbid on ebay on a white company cot but Im still looking, and If we really want we will buy a new one, everything doesn't have to be second hand!! As you know we won a rocking chair for £13.50 on ebay and going to look at cots still but most definitely a chest of drawers, maybe a wardrobe too depending on the room. We are now thinking seriously of doing a small extension on the back of our house, just a single room as there is no way enough room downstairs in our house, This will be Baby CJ's play room and also an extra storage room (and the tumble dryer hidden away in there) It means we can stay in our lovely home for alot longer. There isn't enough room for US let alone a baby and all her Sh*t!!! Already its piling up in the study and third bedroom!!! When we come to sell it can be a dining room or an extra sitting room. Keep our sitting room "nice" ha ha. Im not sure where Mr CJ's stuff in "HRH to be's" room will go... Im hoping that this new extension room will have built in cupboards.A great time to do it would be whilst we are in chicago so someone is here and keeping an eye on the house. Then its done and we don't have to live with the mess with a newborn!

    BUT I digress....BABY

    Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double her weight and add inches to her length. Right now, she's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. Her legs are much more developed, her head is more erect than it has been, and her eyes have moved closer to the front of her head. Her ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her locks aren't recognizable yet. She's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, her heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

    She is the size of a large avocado this week.

    A peak inside 

    Monday, 28 October 2013


    So last night we had a huge storm! That was not very fun...about 3am a piece of our neighbours scaffolding fell off and I literally jumped about 7ft in the air. Even Mr CJ was scared and he doesn't "do" scared at weather situations being a salty sea dog.  We lost power but now its back HURRAH...It wasn't quite as bad as they had predicted, I had images of my precious family home that was trashed in Essex back in 1987....but scary nonetheless. I think I checked on the dogs about 6 times, Tyler was freaking out and Roo was so unbothered... This sums them up to a tee.

    Today I "surveyed the grounds" with my father's stick, very much channeling the old bear, In my pink dressing gown and Ugg boots....Just like he would have done except he would have had his blue dressing gown on and wellies,  I felt a bit like Gandalf with his staff and that I should have been up on "the hill" shouting "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" at the storm as it approached.

    Friday, 25 October 2013

    BABY SHOW circa 15 hrs to go....

    just spoken to someone who got six ..yes 6 BIG bags full of free stuff, including a baby blender..I'm in heaven...If she bought 6 bags of free stuff back I HAVE to beat that....Get READY M...Get READY babyshow, The CJ's are coming for FREE stuff...the excitement is too much, I feel like its Christmas eve! Excitement only marred by 2 things, 1- It would appear I'm in for another bladder surgery whoop (nawt) because that was such fun last time having complications and being kept in and then the full body allergy that took 4 wks to control with me looking like a leper and being allergic to 4 of 6 of the drugs used....and 2) a much smaller thing, I'm ALONE AGAIN as hubby is working late AGAIN, really late lately 11pm ish (his job working him toooo hard!) Never see him these days :( I really am going to push for him to switch jobs if they keep on making him work this hard. When baby comes I want him to be part of her life..not only see her at weekends....to be honest Im pretty ok on my own, got the dogs and Im used to it frankly. I don't mind my own company too much either because a)Im like sooooo hilariously entertaining even to myself and b) I can watch all sorts of girlie things on tv or read to pass the time.

    Thursday, 24 October 2013

    We also have movement :)

    R can feel Baby CJ sometimes when she is lying down...tiny movements...awwww.......few more weeks and there will be proper kicks and punches..lucky R! R still craves sushi..*bleurgh*  We will be taking out Cadbury's dairy milk for her choccy desires and to educate baby on REAL chocolate, not gross soapy yank chocolate (sorry my American cousins!) Baby show this weekend, and VERY excited about pram choosing, I candy, bugaboo bee, buagboo chameleon, explory stokke, silvercross surf looking like the top contenders. I hope to feel better by saturday. Have a lergy right now so better get better. Me and 9380983098098 pregnant women, poor M. I think the baby class will be "interesting". Really rather over excited! "Bonfire" Next weekend and My brother and family is coming to stay which should be fun..."I "the second youngest is going to ride one of our neighbours horses, she is horse mad, also we are going to feed the sheep that live in "our field" ginger nuts as thats what they like.. Hoping the weekend will be dry for us, bonfire night being rainy sucks. Bring on the sparklers!

    Still no scan pics from R yet, Im still hoping they may come :) I think the ones Nancy sent came today but I was out so off to the post office in the morning WHOOP WHOOP! I dont think we have any "baby looking" ones in there but still....We can collect the Fetal medicine scan and 20 wk scan when we are over there, Baby CJ should look more baby like then anyways, also we are doing the 3d and 4d scan with R on the 7 december .

    2 months

    ...Today is Christmas Eve, and also the date when Baby CJ is 24 wks, technically old enough to survive! CRAZY to think!!

    Lets hope she is no way NEAR THAT EARLY!!! But it is quite a milestone I will be thinking about on Christmas eve!!!

    Wednesday, 23 October 2013

    My Daughters future husband is christened ;)

    Only joking...baby CJ will be far to good for old Georgie boy ;) ha ha..

    As usual "Princess swishy hair" looked fantabulous and epitomised yummy mummy!!

    Tuesday, 22 October 2013

    *Breaking news!!!!* we have a BUMP

    R says she now has a bump and has broken out the maternity jeans!!! whoop, maybe we might get some bumpage pics??!!! at 15 weeks we now have a bump whoooooop!

    15 wks!

    Baby is the size of a large orange today

     She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at the tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam....THAT IS TOO COOL!!!!!! There's not much for baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you were to have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.") CLEARLY WE ALREADY KNOW BABY CJ IS A GIRL..WHOOP!

    24 weeks to go until 39 weeks planned "D" day IF she stays put...PLEASE....My little bear stay in there until at least April 1st!!! It's insane to think she could be born and live from christmas eve when she will be 24 wks (although she may measure 24 wks on 18 december!) Christmas eve is only 9 weeks away!!!! It was longer than that (a month longer!) than that since Portugal with my family and that feels like yesterday!!! My gut says she is coming in March...I was always told I would have a baby on March 26th, And weirdly I have been dreaming 25 March, 29 March and April 1... so we will see...That wouldn't be TOO early but Ideally she would hang on a little bit longer!

    Saturday, 19 October 2013

    *barf* is this a joke?!

    not for the faint hearted, apparently these are a normal thing at a baby shower, I think I would actually be SICK if someone did this, they are funny though...http://www.mommyish.com/2013/10/14/vagina-cakes/

    Friday, 18 October 2013

    my *Advice* to mummy to be's who are a bit down...

    If you are having a tough day (like I have had today) you know what just made me feel better? going and looking at a) my ickle pink tracksuit, soooo teeny soft and cute- hence you imagine the also ickle teeny soft and cute person who will be filling it soon enough, more than enough "cuteness medication" to melt the angriest heart, now Im going to read Brambley hedge to help me to sleep, go on go and   buy your fave childhood books and read them and remind yourself the wonder  of the worlds that those books made you feel. THEN imagine reading them to your children!
    alternatively you can watch rude tube or something with animals doing stupid things - that usually works, there is something about animals doing stupid things that I find HILARIOUS and I mean that REALLY, my husband looks at me like Im slightly deranged! Luckily my niece and nephew I and J share this sense of humour I once laughed so much with them on this very topic I hurt my  stomach muscles and made my eyes sore from crying with laughter. I might post a video of this if i can find it.
    Also eat chocolate. Its a fact and scientifically proven, though I have never actually seen the proof that it makes you feel better....but it does :)

    oh heres that video! ;)

    Wednesday, 16 October 2013


    no scan pics yet....DESPERATE for them....Still yet to hear the doppler...oh well... buying lots cheap things to make me feel a bit more included in the whole process.. Although today did buy couple of things full price (felt naughty) the cutest little dress from gap and also the cot bumper we loved loved from the white company and had looked at about 60 times longingly, I knew id regret it if we didn't as I adored it, lovely noahs ark theme. M loved the little dress and we got all excited and had a big snuggle  WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! after 4 yrs of literally wanting to at times die I was so sad or ill this is bringing so much joy. Its hard though not feeling included being so far away, I am so grateful to be able to do surrogacy, even if it means a lot of debt but I wouldn't wish this on anyone, I wish more than all the world to just be ABLE to get pregnant, not suffer, have my baby grow inside ME and therefore be INCLUDED in it all ...Its a tough tough journey not to be taken lightly...Im not sure I could do this again! I'd go through childbirth a zillion times to be able to do it myself!!! Its no easy ride being an intended parent, you feel at times lost, confused by different ways of doing things, exhausted, frustrated,angry at times, left out...its a REAL roller coaster, but hopefully in the end when the baby is in our arms and home and OURS, it will all have been so worth it. But its hard not having a bump,even seeing bump pics, or feeling the baby move or being there for scans, having a copy...I don't know what it feels like for R, her cravings, I wish I knew more...EVERY detail however big or little is so important. People might think oh its an easy option you get someone knocked up and you sit back and chillax, oh how naive! Its a juggling act, they say IVF is hard but try that and surrogacy! IVF , the worry of how many eggs did you get, how many fertilised,how many made it to day 3. to day 5, through PGD, is she pregnant, Oh god she's bleeding will we lose it, then all the other stuff, its a nightmare and a dream a wonderful dream at the same time! Do you understand? Now despite the Previa and various other issues, we feel it happening... its close!!! We still have dangers of course and 20 wks scan will be a biggy but right now through some frustrated tears we have so much love and happiness! This bubs is soooo loved already! We both simply cannot wait!!! But I cant deny I wish it didn't have to be like this...that we could do it like most people! life is unfair at times....But hopefully IVF and surrogacy is helping out thousands of people all over the world right now.

    Tuesday, 15 October 2013

    15 October Pregnancy and Infant loss day


    At 7pm across the world people light a candle in remembrance of their loss, I will be lighting a candle for my angels. I think this is a lovely Idea, a wave of light across the world. Thinking of all those who have lost their precious babes.

    14 wks (probably measuring 14 +6 though ha)

    SO this week...SIZE Of A LARGE LEMON- Next week is Naval orange week, so now have the song "Oranges and Lemons sang the bells of St Clements" in my head, Its all a bit confusing as she is actually measuring 6 days ahead in growth so I feel Im always a week behind!

    This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck her thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, her facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. Her kidneys are producing urine, which she releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process she'll keep up until birth. she can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch her sucking his thumb.
    In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, she measures 3 1/2 inches —  — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. Her body's growing faster than her head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, her arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of her body. (Her legs still have some lengthening to do.) She's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over her body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and her spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel h tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.

    Baby at 14 wks :)

    Saturday, 12 October 2013

    Booking flights to see Baby CJ in DEC!!!

    yipeeeee 7 wks!!!! We can see 22-23 wk Bumpage!!!! Go and look at our accommodation options etc...But mainly go for a scan!!! a SPECIAL scan we can get a dvd of in 3D and 4D.


    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Still checking the post for the scan pic so far from R, still not here :(

    Thought this was lovely and so true

    Wednesday, 9 October 2013

    13 +1 or 14 weeks today?!

    Im a bit confused!?? Since 10 wks Baby CJ has been measuring 5/6 days ahead so technically she is MEASURING 14 wks TODAY! when she is supposedly 13 +1! So which is it? I really want to know as this throws my fruit and veg connotations out the window, either she is a peach or large lemon?! Also Id feel ALOT happier knowing when she is "coming" or due to come!!! not miss it by a wk!!!

    Tuesday, 8 October 2013

    Nuchal scan good news

    All good at Nuchal scan yipppppeeee. Blood results back in a week or so. But so far so good. Previa still there but not to worry to much unless its at the next scan, another scan in about 6 wks. About 19 November.  She measuring big again :) 13 +6 as opposed to 13. They don't seem worried by that and in fact apparently was VERY active in utero! R said she was partying in there and actually felt her push back when poked by the sonographer !!! Its R's 3rd pregnancy so apparently you feel movements earlier.  More bloods on halloween...will be interesting as R just said they wont do C section until 39 wks (1 wk early) over there and baby CJ is measuring a wk earlier consistently now so it makes sense she will come earlier, if they only doing a section 1 wk early then its a little quite a bit concerning that she will actually really be having a section when she due...which kind of defeats the object of her not going into labour first!!! It would be a bit bad SH*T if we missed the birth!!!!!! Anyhoo Im  going to discuss this with them closer to the time and maybe we can get a section done 1 april wk not 8 april if she still measuring big. HA an april fool baby would be funny!


    ha ha dancing baby

    to buy:

    cot and bedding and mattress, swaddles, mobile for cot http://www.johnlewis.com/jellycat-bashful-musical-mobile/p230965195
    chest drawers and table top for changer
    wardrobe? If room...built in?
    moses basket mainly for USA
    travel cot
    room thermometer

    top and tail bowl
    bath toys
    shampoo visor
    bath thermometer
    nappy bin and casettes
    medical stuff and wipes etc...
    http://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-heritage-nappy-stacker-white/p231826992 nappy tidier for back of door

    car seat/s how many of these do you get through?!
    car seat isofix
    baby carrier- again how many does one get through?
    pushchair toys
    changing bag

    bottle steriliser
    bottle warmer
    bottle brush
    more muslins
    feeding pillow
    weaning stuff (bleurgh)
    teething stuff- Sophie the Giraffe a must
    high chair

    grow bags

    bumbo play seat for sitting up 4-5 mnths
    jumperoo or door swing bouncer
    toy storage boxes

    baby gates

    MORE BOOKS: This Xmas Im GOING to buy "The Night Before Christmas"Has to be done even just to read to myself, I used to get a new pair of Pj's or a nighty and that story read on xmas eve and I LOVED it such a magical story and new Pj's was all exciting too! Ohhh there are so many books I did make a list a while back....I digress back to books... Amazon is the best for deals. Id really like to get the Beatrix Potter next you can get the set for something ludicrous like a tenner. They have daily specials too. Im trying to keep things as neutral/pastel as possible as my ickle cottage will get overwhelmed with garish colours(and Im all about cream and beige ha ha) and apparently baby sees in black and white its more textures and noises they like.

    Im going to try and get as much on Ebay and second hand and also spread cost with a monthly list and BIG purchases after 20 wks, my SPLASH will be Pram and also a silly thing for me this changing bag, a REAL luxury but  reviews say it lasts for yrs and yrs and looks like a posh handbag.

    I've heard all babies are different some hate this bottle but love that one, same dummies and some hate moses baskets some love them some hate bouncers etc etc yadda yadda, SO many people have been so kind to send their recommendations and I will sift though these messages and give careful thought :)

    Im basically in love with the Little White company, Jojomamanbebe, Petit Bateau, good old John Lewis, Aden and Anais, Cath Kidston....I could go on and On, pastels creams, beige, dove greys, whites, Navy, stripes, but mostly not garish, I swear if we were due a boy the ONLY boys clothes I like our from the White Company. But Im no snob Im ALL OVER packs of Primark white baby grows.