Friday, 24 January 2014

update from R

My journey thus far, once I reached the 12 week mark, has been uneventful, as I tell people, just getting bigger and rounder, I am now nearly 29 weeks. I have been feeling pretty good. One of the reason's why I wanted to do surrogacy as I typically have uneventful pregnancies, no morning sickness etc. I get the odd bought of heartburn, nothing a couple of tums won't hurt.
In regards to my husbands family accepting me carrying someone else's child, it didn't go over as I would have liked, it took me many weeks to build up the courage to tell them. I chose to do it via email. I am unsure why I was so petrified of what they would say or do, because it was too late, I was already pregnant. Some of the family have said they would support me no matter what, to that is awesome and some haven't voiced their opinion on it at all. I have been told as long as what I am doing feels right to me and my little family that is all that matters. As you say you can't please everyone. My own friends and family have been nothing but supportive and think it is awesome what I am doing.
The good part to this journey is watching and listening to the intended parents, seeing how excited they are and getting as the date looms closer each week.
Bella is a bit of a minx when it comes to ultrasounds, when they want to look at a particular part for example they want to check her heart, she would cover it with her arm or if it was the face she wouldn't turn, she has been like this throughout each scan.
The kids and hubby don't say to much about the bump, hubby calls it a basketball. S tells people mummy is having another baby, but where not keeping it. Before he lets G and M have her, he wants to feed her and make her laugh.
I have had no food cravings, other than missing sushi. The only food aversion is banana's which I used to love, I make smoothies out of them now, as the texture just doesn't sit quite right in the throat.
Having a really cold drink or laying down is when I feel Bella the most.
What do I look forward to after Bella, not being nervous with someone else's precious cargo, and not being so tired ;).
My hope for Bella's arrival is that her parents are here to witness it, as I keep having these thought's that they won't be here. For it all to go smoothly and that the transition is seemless and a happy one. I truly look forward to the delivery day and just looking at G and M faces and seeing their expression. Knowing I made their dream come true finally.
My hope for Bella's future is that she is true to herself, happy, lives in the moment.
I think Bella will weight around 7 pds 6 ozs. Providing she stays put.
I think M and G will make great parents. G will probably be a bit of a nervous nelly in the beginning as being a first time mum that is what happens. They will love her, more than life it self as it's been a struggle to get her here. My hope for them is that they take it one day at a time and cherish the time they have together as it goes by so fast.