Tuesday, 24 December 2013

24 weeks fruity!

so this week Bella is
a big MELON!!!!!

How your baby's growing

Your baby's growing steadily. Her body is filling out and taking up more room in the uterus (womb) but her skin is still thin and fragile. 

For all you know, your baby may also be developing a weakness for sweets! Her tastebuds are forming, and, believe it or not, acquiring a sweet tooth is all part of it. The other big milestone your baby reaches is that she may now survive, with specialist care, if she is born prematurely.

    *MAGIC WORDS* "VIABLE 24 wks"

    WOW, Bella today you are 24 weeks, technically with help you could survive if born today...CRAZY...Pleaaaase DONT come today or until March at the VERY earliest please!!
    We have come so far bubba...I am so excited to see you in APRIL (ideally!!) I can already make out your little snoz and little pouty lips and chubby cheeks, Im MADLY in LOVE with you already...Ill see you again at 30 wks for your growth scan....Im going to get super ready in the New year, actually doing pretty well on the organisation considering.. Im also going on a health kick (partly consultant enforced due to tummy issues) but to get super yummy mummy mode.. SOOO many jobs to do for you and regarding you and Daddy and Mummy and the dogs...exciting!

    My sister and kids are here, your cousin A is a ball of energy!!! P is learning knitting from Granny. Poor daddy is working upstairs.....Auntie S is yacking away (he he)  Grandpa is trying to do sudoku in peace. Granny and Grandpa to be have been amazing as always with the kids. Makes me really smile to think of them with you...

    Getting excited about father Christmas coming tonight...wonder what he will bring, cant wait to see A's little face...

    Friday, 20 December 2013

    lost great granny to be Betty tonight....

    I just typed a WHOLE shebang and deleted it, stupid 2.30 am brain...

    so....Betty was very very lovely. When she was at school she got expelled or suspended for throwing stink bombs, she was full of mischief. That makes her UBER cool in my eyes...She also used to sneak out in makeup! I first met her shortly before she lost her husband Keith who was one of the kindest looking Men I've met, they were so welcoming and Keith picked up on the fact I was terrified of playing cards as a) am USELESS at cards and b) very dyslexic, so we played together...this was so nice of him and made me feel really at ease. I only got to meet Keith the once but I will never forget that meeting. It gives me great comfort to imagine Betty and Keith together now again (at least I HOPE thats what happens hubby and I were just wondering this in bed having a cuddle right now) In fact Betty's dog Tarky died about 2 weeks ago so he will be pretty pleased to see her too, I like to think of him not blind and deaf and one eyed but a sprightly (maybe still fat lol) dog with a sprightly Betty and Keith saying "come on chaps throw me a ball, lets go for a walk on the beach...how EXCITING to all be together again" I like that Betty got to know and also understand eventually our surrogacy and she was very excited about it, in the months recently she cheered ALOT when I rung her and Bella was mentioned, She liked that alot B was due about her birthday. B was to have been her 18th great grandchild!!!! I also like to think B has a right "team of angels" now looking out for her including my daddy....
    there NEVER is a good time to lose someone but it is sad it is christmas for hubby's mum sake but I'm hoping B will act as a balm this xmas as she is viable and the hospital confirmed tonight they will try to save her life if she comes from xmas eve. And also the new year brings new life and whilst we will all remember Betty of course Bella is due smack about Betty's birthday.... She was 96, kept all her marbles, and 2 of her daughters were with her...so very peaceful. Hubby's mums twin did a family tree recently and its amazing how many people came from B and K!!!

     Betty and Keith with Digby and Baby hubby

    Betty, M's mummy and baby M

    Betty and Paul M's Brother and M.....LOVE this pic

    Thursday, 19 December 2013

    23.3 heart scan...all is well

    heres the B blowing bubble or with hiccups?! More to come....

    love my scrumptious one xoxox

    Tuesday, 17 December 2013

    23 wks! Large grapefruit this week.

    Your little doll-sized babe is about to chub up a bit. Her saggy skin will start to fit her frame as fat deposits fill things out. Beginning this week, she'll start to pack on the pounds (which means you will too!) and by month's end she'll be double the weight she is now . Right now, your baby's organs and bones are visible through her skin, which has a red hue due to developing veins and arteries beneath. But once those fat deposits settle in, she'll become less transparent. sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb. Shame she cant hear Tyler!!!!

    Busy busy this week before xmas.

    Thursday, 12 December 2013

    Xmas 2013

    This is our Xmas tree for 2013, Went with Granny J to get the tree, had a fun afternoon decorating the tree and house.  NOW feeling very festive with wintery smelling candles burning...2 stockings on the fire, next year hopefully there will be 3 :)

    now the REAL litmus test! Its ok I KNOW the answer!!!

    baby ME:

    baby CJ :

    Wednesday, 11 December 2013

    looky likey....

    WHO does she look like? My sisters daughter top, brothers daughter middle or hubby's cousin bottom (hubby mum identical twin)

    22 weeks and an amazeballs trip

    ok lets get the fruit bit out the way first, this week Bella is a papaya

    At 11 inches and almost 1 pound ( about the size of a large papyaya), your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. 

    If you could see inside the womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily, She is also starting a sleep cycle and sleeping about 12-14 hrs a day.

    this was B at 21.5 wks .

    So onto the trip!!!

    I bought lots of gifts for R and her family and also some Cadburys chocs and Mcvities chocolate digestives, unfortunately I got so hungry on the 8.5hr flight I ate both packets of biscuits...oops!
    Arrived in FREEEEEEEZING chicago to my lovely hubby and we headed to our hotel where they had our room all lovely and cosy and also a cute babygrow and bib with the hotels logo on!!! Also I had a gift from one of M's work buddies in NYC a juicy couture tracksuit for B!!! Toooooo cute!!! though M now thinks he will have two "chavs" now ha ha....Saturday I woke up very overexcited at 3am and at 12 after a monster breakfast of full English and pancakes we met R and family and went for the scan, it was stunning, we got lots and lots piccies and a DVD of the whole thing and a bear with her heartbeat in!!!  It was very emotional and I had a tear when the heartbeat came up! She was a right little acrobat, hands and feet everywhere....She likes her hands on her face so the sonographer got R to lie on her left side which did the trick and she showed us her face! Then we registered at the hospital and had a quick lunch and look at baby stores with R, Said bye to bump and had a 2 hour drive back to the city....urgh....think there was a game on.....was SO tired we asked the hotel if they could make us carbonara and they did and sent it up to us with "death by chocolate" cake...soooo good! Sunday it snowed YIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE, we went to the beach for a walk, not seen a mix of snow and sand before! Then  have to say we snuggled down in our bed and watched two movies as it was real feel -15 outside and we were both pooped! Then we went for steak had a funny blizzard like walk back (quick pit stop for a very romantic snow kiss) and slept....Monday we met with the hotel and got our deal on our stay from April-June. Thank GOD for M's work policy with this hotel(biggest client) and also my negotiating skills, lets just say it would have cost a FORTUNE a night and instead about the price a night of a travelodge in london!!! We saw the room we will have (1 bed apartment) and it had a little kitchen which will be essential, they also had dressed it (clever lady) with a cot etc so it looked how it would. Granny J  is flying out for 2 wks and she will be in a room on the same floor. It had a lovely city view also for those nights when I will be up! Then onto the Paediatricians office which was 2 mins walk away and also When I asked if there was an emergency and she had to go to hospital- he said we could see it from our window. Result. Then a quick skip to the mall to get some last pressies...so all in all a very productive flying trip. Am now beyond jet lagged, adding 6 hrs, JUST getting used to that and then dropping them in 3 days has taken its toll! I have wayyyyy more pics but I need to edit R's details out.
    Its lovely to be home mind you and tomorrow we will do our tree if I have the energy!

    Tuesday, 3 December 2013

    21 one weeks and the week we see bumpage!

    21 wks today, she will be 2 wks old in 20 wks time!!! Yesterday Granny and I hit up a storm at the white company and baby gap in Portsmouth, so many discounts it was fantabulous. 4 sleeps until we see her YIPEEEEEEEEEE WHOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

    We also decided to not to go down the traditional christening route, I think we will ask the vicar if he may bless Bella only say at the end of a sunday service, not make a big deal about it...THEN make a very big deal on a beach with our nearest and dearest in the summer and have a humanist blessing. Nothing long and winded,VERY hippy dippy love and peace and all that :) Bare feet in the sand and flowers in our hair. Some nice readings and a few words, and I thought people could bring a stem of their fave flower and throw it in the sea and make a wish for Bella. Also it makes me feel quite happy and emotional that my daddy can be involved (he is in the sea..well his ashes are) Take some bubbly and some picnic stuff down to the beach, If the weather is heinous so what we shiver in coats for 20 mins under brollies, the sea is ALWAYS beautiful and powerful even on a shitty day. Then we would go back to "the Granny's" house and eat there, a bit windswept but happy :) Its the PERFECT solution.

    anyways today is pomegranate day:

    your baby at 21 weeks
    • As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance you'll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
    • If it's a girl, she's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them!