Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Tongue tied!!!

B had a lip AND tongue tie lasered off yesterday by a paed dentist, apparently it can hugely affect her feeding and make reflux worse! Also it was the most severe type and the Dr who did it is not trigger happy with his laser so she must of really needed it. I was lucky to find it as it should hopefully help. Right now though B is hating me!!! She was very sleepy after her vaccinations, but only cried for the "stingy one" the nurse said she was very brave.  The last few days have been a nightmare of screaming due to vaccination fever, sore mouth and hating the allergy milk!!! Poor thing....Im hoping its all for the best in the long run, cruel to be kind and all that. Just want to enjoy my babe :( Mind you she smiled a big REAL smile for the first time the other day which was LUSH. She loves lying on my left boob and gazing at me and smiling, super cute. Bella has gone to Granny's and Im going to SLEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP and eat a box of waitrose cupcakes and have a long bubble bath, after chiro as my back and neck is in spasm from literally wrestling Bella to force feed (poor thing but she HAD to drink as its been quite hot) I think Daddy and I will get a takeaway curry or stuffed pizza tonight and have a snuggly sofa night...ooohhh bliss! Bella I miss you but mummy is BROKEN.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Havent posted in a while!!! 8 weeks :)

Because we are so blinkin busy!!!! Poor B has dreadful reflux and we saw the consultant yesterday who also thinks she has a cows milk protein allergy, so we are on nutramigen added to the ranitidine then omeprazole and then neocate. She HATES the nutramigen, we are weaning off aptamil and onto this, I hope to remember the "reflux/allergy hell days" with a laugh in a few yrs!!!! Back to see him in 2 weeks.  Bella only drank 2 onz at bedtime which was not great but amazingly she slept till 7.15am!!!???!!! Cant use the perfect prep with this milk which is a bit of a bummer as love that machine!

today was my 35th bday :) Woke up by Daddy and B and got very spoilt then we took the doggies for a nice walk by the pond and then went for an amazing piggy lunch at my fave local. Then we bought icecream cones and chocolate sauce and clotted cream and icecream and ate that all afternoon, the whole tub ooops (aka 3 icecreams each!)

Tomorrow its 8 week vaccinations joy..poor ickle person and on tuesday we are seeing a paediatric dentist as she may have a lip and posterior tongue tie which could drastically alter her horrendous feeding if she does have one/both.

cant believe she is 8 weeks time has FLOWN.

Here she is in her first sunny dress for Mummy's bday lunch <3

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Already out of some clothes :(

B whilst not thriving with her relfux has clearly grown as she is now out of her very first clothes, Im going to collect the sweetest ones up to make into a memory teddy or quilt.. Its a bit sad she is out of those first things...Any friend of mine who has a girl is going to get so lucky I have hundreds of things she never wore as she was so much smaller than we were told and we left Chicago before she had time to wear all these lovely wintry things!!! Granny and I must go over what we DO have she fits in that is the right "season" ASAP...I must say im looking forward to her being in her 3-6mnths stuff she has some really cute little dresses from Goosie and lots of people to wear!!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Consultant referall

Poor B is having quite the time of it...And so are WE! The poor little babe has silent reflux and or a CMP intolerance. We are seeing a specialist gastro on sat 24 may and HOPING he can help. ALL of the things we have tried have not helped, we started ranitidine yesterday at a vvv low dose. When she cries it breaks your heart as she is such a sweet nature little soul... I love her SO much and this has made me realise I have never loved so much and will do ANYTHING to make her well. You simply can get nothing done with a reflux baby, my house is a mess, I look a mess, you forget when you last ate/washed...I just keep telling myself IT WILL get better...I have to look after myself and am trying to do that as much as I can, apparently having a reflux baby is like running a marathon daily! I have no time to catch up with family or friends any snatched moment is FOOD, SLEEP, WATER..If she is "cured" by the doctors I will be in HEAVEN!!!! AND we have the parental order process starting just for good measure (STRESS) I wish to just be a normal family, normal baby no courts , no hospitals would be nice, Sorry for the "downer" post...just feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

6 weeks old and LOVED first swim

Bella is still suffering terribly with reflux and colic (the colic just in the evenings/pm) I know the colic she WILL 100% grow out of in the next few months but worried about the reflux..this also seems FAR worse in the evenings/night. Howver once she is settled by say 11pm she often sleeps until 5am which is a godsend!

She loves her bath so we took her today to the pool, and she loved that even more, no crying whatsoever :) We had some family snuggles too with Roo. Tyler was out in the garden.