Sunday, 1 September 2013

The 2 week wait

has to be the worst time ever!!! This is the time from transfer to pregnancy confirmation. THe IVF clinic have done all they can and  there is nothing to do but wait.....its somehow worse when you know the gender as it personalises it that bit more..I think I drove R crazy every day.."do you feel pregnant"..."Can you do a test".....When I was trying myself, I spent a small fortune in tests and tested from about 5 days post ovulation....the earliest I got a positive was 10dpo. R wouldn't test, and you cant force someone to pee!!! Especially if they live the other side of the world. She did eventually give in and there was a vvv faint line, which D couldn't see and she said we wouldn't either, it was on a blue dye test which are notorious for false positives. We agreed to re-test on the tuesday morning again the 6 august, SURELY then there would be a stronger line if she was "up the duff"....NOPE, cue many tears and much moping from yours truly. She HAD told me she hadn't got a + with HER 2 kiddos but that didn't convince me...however much I google searched!! However overnight a fresh calm came over me and I was convinced it had worked despite all the odds...and at about 7pm on 8 August 2013 we got a call saying R was PREGNANT!!! THRILLED doesn't even cover it!!! We had prayed, we had done white magic, I was wearing "lucky bracelets"and SOMETHING had worked! We had some champagne and told our nearest and dearest.

The 2WW is sleep, worry worry, hopes up, hopes down annnnnd repeat 24 hrs a day. And baby being in another ladies body you cant read anything into anything, you cant pee on sticks , you cant analyse your body for symptoms..NOTHING, keeping busy works to a point but then night comes and its just worry. BUT it passes soon enough....It would have been devastating if it hadn't worked, it really was about 50-60% as we only transferred 1 embie, it would have been 70% + if we had done more but we wanted 1. THANK God it worked first time, we were very very lucky indeed....  And as it transpires some ladies just don't excrete HCG (pregnancy hormone) they need it to show up in blood tests only!

I wondered how the IVF clinic divvy up the calls of good and bad news? Do they pick straws? alternate one good with one bad, get all the bad ones out the way and end on a positive note? That night I prayed that all those who had sad news would get lucky next time.

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