Wednesday, 18 September 2013


THIS is the bit I have to say I dread the most, not nappy changes, sick bugs, potty training...there is something about a baby covered in food that I find REALLY disgusting, I appreciate its a stage that every baby will go through including my own but...*bleurgh* of babies with food all over them is not all. like this picture I found on the internet when I googled "weaning"...

This just literally makes me heave!! My best friend A is weaning her son and is clever and is weaning using NON pureed food- I think its the orange puree "look" as above that gets me. Also the above baby does not look amused at all lol....Now THIS picture below is cute, the imaginary weaning pic in which the baby has a clean face and hands and smiles endearingly at the camera happily about to munch away, not the screaming red faced baby that is throwing food all over itself and its poor mother! I very much doubt the below is the TRUE face of weaning and that actually the above pic is FAR more accurate! You just know that that white vest top is going to get COVERED in whatever is on that spoon, and probably her nicely styled blonde hair too. I will be battle ready, as A said strip baby to nappy, cover in a muslin - I will tie my hair back, maybe a plastic bag tied over my hair?! Is this too much?! I may even buy some biohazard overalls ha ha!!! Then baby straight in the bath..The only "people" to love weaning Im sure will be the dogs who Im sure will be only to glad to hoover up!


  1. Too Funny!
    I hate mess and sticky food etc, but when you have kids you kind of grown to love the mess and chaos! means they are having fun and enjoying themselves. I have shown freddie after every meal he has to clean his face, fingers and table, he now does this! Its actually really cute. He also puts all his bowls and spoons in the sink! Better trained than my husband!!
    Painting freaks me out more! haha x

  2. this is true! Im sure I will be the first person to post facebook pics of baby cj covered in stuff!! and will need to be reminded how I was "going to be so grossed out" ha ha..GOOD plan on showing Freddie how to clean himself! (note to self) x
