Monday, 2 September 2013

The Dog babies....

Tyler is 10, he is so funny , he is greedy and a little bit fat so is on a diet, he is so faithful and adoring, he has a bit of arthritis so I'm looking into acupuncture. He loves swimming too....Roo is 2 and is not greedy in fact he doesn't really like food! he is full of beans, howls at the phone, ambulances and the ice cream van bell. Both dogs were the runts of the pack, yes I'm a sucker.....Both dogs love cuddling, Rufus likes escaping... They both need more training to be around a baby/ v small child...I've been advised to play you tube videos of babies crying/screaming/gurgling and to also carry around a baby doll and establish "boundaries" this will feel weird but Im going to do it..Im less keen on my plan to practice them walking nicely with the pram..when we get it say around xmas I plan to practice walking locally on the lead with the pram...I hope nobody see's me as I will look like a "crazy baby lady" if anyone peaks in!!!!

they are "frenemies" which means friends and U2 sang "I cant live...with or without you"

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