Friday, 13 September 2013

Those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter

There are some serious haters on the world wide web, people who clearly feel like what we are doing is wrong. Thank goodness I have soo much LOVE around, don't get me wrong it cuts like a knife sometimes, but 99.9% of feedback is super positive. I know we will be fab parents purely as we have so much love to give, I know and my agency knows and my lawyers know and my surro knows we aren't exploiting her and how grateful I am. My surro knows Im a worrier, you don't get to this point in your adventure to be a family without having gone through some serious heartbreak baby wise. So the pregnancy is UBER precious and sometimes we can get overly protective about babyCJ. But Im also considered to be a caring person by people in general so when you get people who don't know you judging you it's hurtful BUT..thats the point they DON'T know! M and I know our hearts and where we stand, so do our family and all our dear friends, my Dr's. So really NOBODY else matters!! I cant wait till this baby is in my arms and MINE and nobody can say or do anything to hurt me. I will be just like any other mummy. Right now its so hard her not being in MY tummy and so far away. But Ive dealt with Far worse challenges than this.. I can cope...Nobody ever said Surrogacy would be a bed of roses....but in general its been a fabulous journey so far :)

PROPS to the BABY CJ "CREW" you know who you all are...

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey there's always someone out there that clearly have nothing better to do. Whether your baby girl is growing in your tummy or someone else's she is YOUR baby and I have no doubt your going to be a fantastic mummy. In 6 1/2 months times you will be bringing her home and starting your new life together. Ignore the haters and look forward to the future... xx
