Wednesday 15 January 2014

thoughts on YOU...

I cant stop thinking about YOU my daughter!!!

  1. I am so excited to meet you, our first touch, skin to skin
  2. to get to know your likes and loves and things that are ... not so much ....
  3. for Daddy to fall in love with you as much as he has me
  4. for my family to meet you
  5. to see who you look like and what traits you have of ours
  6. to get you back home and the parental order done and dusted
  7. to see what you make of our home and your bedroom!
  8. to see how the doggies take to you! And you to them, I so hope you shall be best of pals, eventually!
  9. to take you swimming and to the beach
  10. to see you smile
  11. to hear you laugh
  12. to see you take your first steps
  13. put the first " toof" out for the tooth fairy
  14. see what your favourite toy or book is
  15. to read you stories
  16. to dress you in lots of soft cute outfits
  17. to take you to our fave places
  18. let you meet all our fave people
  19. to intimidate (for fun) your first date
  20. to make your first lunchbox for play school and see your first piece of art!
  21. to see what your first word is
  22. to fall asleep snuggling with you
  23. to smell your sweet skin
  24. your first sail
  25. that first night with you- I will watch you breathe ALL night and stare at you, my little IVF miracle

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