Tuesday 4 February 2014

30 wks scan pic will update with news

so Princess be is a chunkun!!! nearly 41bs (3.11) at 30 wks!!! But this fat will help her if she is born early :) She also seems to have a big nose, Uncle Paul????? M thinks its a shadow but im not so sure, anyways I love my chubba chubba and apparently they even out anyways over the months!

Unfortunately we have another "issue" naughty B has been causing us alot of worries along the way, the SCH, the poss placenta praveia, Gestational Diabetes thought for the first failed test, then it was fine... in the uk R would 100% have Polyhydramnios (too much fluid) as max level is 20-24 and hers was 25.5. In USA 24/25. Consultant not TOO worried but scanning in 2 wks and again in another 2 wks.  HERE is a link to what this could mean


Im hoping its nothing....fingers FIRMLY crossed but of course we are naturally worried! Frantically trying to get are ZILLION things done......We are now NOT booking flights until the earliest after this scan in 2 wks and latest after the 34 wk scan, Im sure either way we will get the timings wrong! I am EXHAUSTED after my own day at the hospital for tummy tests, and am trying to relax cuddling the dog children.. Surrogacy is STRESSFUL do doubt about that and VERY worrying when your baby is the other side of the world and there may or may not be a problem! Im sure when she is here we will be in love with her and all will be worth the strain. You fight you get tired, you get frustrated, you cock important things to be done up, you get headaches...but I guess in the end there is literally the rainbow :)

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