Thursday 3 April 2014

Getting ready to go....

On one hand CANT WAIT to get home, see family and friends and doggies and HOME....On the other hand sad to leave our little hideaway and all the people that have been so good to us in Chicago at the Ritz, Caitlin, Ashley...Back to the real world which is good and bad lol...ANOTHER settling in to be done but we can do it....not looking forward to the jetlag etc.....It was really nice to spend the afternoon and eve with R and family.....We had pizza and chilled and everyone snuggled a very chillaxed Bella. It was actually quite hard saying goodbye to R, how do you say goodbye? More like farewell than goodbye as Im sure she will be part of our lives forever in some capacity. How do you say thankyou and goodbye enough or "properly" to the lady who changed your life and made your dreams come true, you cant really find the words, or actions, anything you DO say just seems somehow not enough, I have to say I left with a lump in my throat. R bought B some cute little headbands which is perfect as we bought a little tutu for B yesterday and were looking for headbands small enough :)

We have alot of packing to do and a few jobs....3 more sleeps and then we will be on the plane!

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