Tuesday 22 April 2014


SO B has silent reflux and we have had ten blissful days since she went on gaviscon, problem sorted happy normal newborn baby back....we thought...NOPE, squirming all over again and screaming....is it wind? is it the reflux ? is it colic as well? constipation? is it a allergy? should we use infacol, colief? change the milk? WHAT the FUDGE do we do??? This is Hellish. the poor babe is so unhappy with it...HOWEVER...Sleep wise the last 2 nights she has pretty much slept 11pm-4/5 !!! Although I dont actually sleep then as Im always listening out, daddy has had his ears cleared today as he is so deaf and I have to been listening for the both of us, but now hopefully he will have supersonic hearing too! Amazing....The dogs have been VERY good (touch wood) Tyler especially, Roo is a bit wary and jumpy so we are watching him like a hawk but he is being much better than we hoped. Mummy and Daddy cant wait to start aquatots with Bella. Im going to look into baby massage too.

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