Tuesday 3 September 2013

Subchorionic bleed- Please pray it goes away..

So just spoke to the lovely Dr K...R's bleed is still there but basically we are hoping it will go away, I hope its not there on thursday's scan!!!! Worst case if it stays the baby detaches from the uterus and she miscarries :( but in 90% of cases this is ok and will go away in 1-2 weeks.... Basically we don't want to see the word SUBCHORIONIC  on any more scans....its mainly a first trimester issue. Another reason why Im staying UBER cautious for another 4 weeks....Theres nothing you or a dr can do about this really other than pelvic rest, no heavy lifting and rest.

On a more positive note he congratulated me on 8 weeks today and said BabyCJ is looking "beautiful". Of course she is- she is MY daughter.

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